The Deep Seed of Anger

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The Deep Seed of Anger

Postby webmaster » Sat Apr 10, 2004 01:37 pm

A spirit can affect a person in three ways: from the inside,
from the outside, and through other people. No matter what
the source, its purpose is to adversely affect you, your mind,
and your ability to obey God, therefore your function in life.
All evil spirits come against God, His plan, and His ways.
They are against you, God is for you! God is for the function
of your mind, the enemy wants to control it!
When it comes to spiritual influences in our lives, anger is one
that we can identify readily so I have begun with it. The Bible says
not to let the sun go down on your wrath (anger). Just because
you got angry doesn't mean you've acquired a spirit of anger.
But, how many days have you let the sun go down on your
anger? That is the important question.
Anger was the first spirit from which the Lord delivered me.
Anger can rise in a person from the inside or come upon a
person from the outside. I have heard pastors say that you
have to deal with things that rise up in you. In one sense this
is true, therefore, we should be aware that we need to control
the problem until we are delivered of it. However, sometimes
this is not possible because of the severity of the spirit's hold
on our life.
A person told me they had been counseled to grip the steering
wheel and count, either to a hundred or until the anger had passed.
This was their way of controlling the anger. But understand,
they were only controlling their flesh, not the anger! By
their actions they simply were not letting the anger manifest
outside of their own flesh. I told this person that the anger
was not from (the real) him. I explained that if it was from
him, he would be able to control it. Although he held onto
the steering wheel, the actual anger still rose up; it was
still there in his flesh.
Anger (or any other spirit) can arise at its will, in any situation,
and at the oddest times. Haven't you ever been angry about
something and looked back on the situation and thought, "Why
did I get so upset over that?"

Spirits love to make life miserable by rising up in situations,
functioning, and then drawing back, leaving the individual
to deal with the aftermath.

Many years ago, before the Lord delivered me from the spirit
of anger, He showed me two things,. first, that something
'strange to me' would happen to me and second, I would need
to cry out to Him for help. "God, help me," were the words.
The Lord had given a dream to a member of our prayer group
and I was instructed by the group to give/get the interpretation.
During the following week the Lord gave me the interpretation.
I went to the next meeting to deliver it. I was giving the
interpretation and as I finished, I noticed a very strange thing.
The last two or three words I spoke didn't seem to be my
words. It was like I saw the words for a moment right after
they left my mouth! I went home wondering about this
strange event.
I awoke the next morning, knowing something was really
wrong because of what He had shown me in the night. I cried
out, "Oh God, help me." That morning the Lord told me
."You have a deep seed of anger against the body of
Christ. It is a spirit." I then realized I had given the
interpretation in anger. Those words that didn't seem to
be mine were words given in the spirit of anger. I had given
the correct interpretation but had given it in or through anger,
not in love. You see, the interpretation of the message
was one of correction.
Then the Lord revealed to me how the door to the spirit
of anger was opened. The very root of the anger, against
Christians, had started when I discovered that the people to
whom I had intrusted my family, as far as salvation goes,
did not know what they were doing. God had revealed to
me that my wife was not saved and it was because of church
traditions and doctrines. Then I was mad and rightfully so.
We were talking about my family's place in eternity!
Then this seed grew because I continued to be disillusioned
by Christians. I saw Christians do things they shouldn't when
they knew better. I wondered, "Why are they doing this?" You
see, my expectations of Christians had been too high. Are

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